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My name is Leigh Astin, founder and also financial adviser.  At Acutus™ our passion is the firms we work with and helping them add significant value to their business, its advisers and ultimately your client's !

Acutus™ management team understanding exactly how a business can achieve efficiencies, resource and cost savings plus ways to increase revenue. 

​"How...?  Well, having moved an established practice away from a national advisory firm, Acutus™ management then transformed an out dated financial advisory business model into an innovative, efficient and highly profitable business within a short time frame. This efficient business model generated £35,000  (from existing assets under management only) in recurring income for year one as well as initial advice income.  This is the same model we can help your firm take advantage of."


The financial services industry is going through a phase of disruption with new advancements in things like Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the advisory role likely to change significantly in the short term so its important firms are able to see where there are opportunities to grow.

"So, we know just what it takes to help firms develop, grow quickly, compliantly and efficiently so why not put us to the test!"

Our mission is simple...  To help and see firms become very business efficient by evolving quickly through the use of our modular consultancy services and embracing the use of technology & innovation to save time and money, whilst generating additional revenue where possible. 


Acutus™ understands that change comes in many forms, and that now, more than ever before, the financial services industry is and will continue to go through revolutionary change.  The question is do you know what this will look like and how you will future proof your business...?

Whether your business drivers are - to offer enhanced services to your clients/network members, grow/sell your financial services business, starting your own practice, as an investment platform looking to attract new advisory firms, a fund manager looking to offer unique investment solutions, generating stronger processes, automating and innovating around end to end business processing, removing risks around GDPR and data breaches due to inadequate systems, creating a 'self-serve' automated investment or protection offering, allowing clients to buy products via your website... We could go on...  We are here to help you future proof your business !

We exist to help businesses develop and are not hear to take a percentage of profits or buy a firm but can help in the area of business sale where appropriate.

We are seeing more and more firms struggling to deal with the changes the industry brings with some considering joining a network or approaching a consolidator with a view to selling, which may not offer the ideal results for you or your clients, resulting in loosing control of your business...  However, there is another way for you to retain complete control, enhance service/investment solutions and profitability.  The Acutus™ way !

Our services are provided by the purchase of any number of our modular services (one off cost), with some elements being outsourced.  The majority of firms we work with require multiple-module services as many needs cross over into a number of modules and in turn can require the need for ongoing service and support.  

We appreciate change can sometimes be difficult to understand and implement.  So, we have the technical know how and have developed unique processes and tools to tie all elements of the 'business advisory model' together as can be seen through our varied service and investment based modules.  This in turn can take away the regulatory pain, risks and business disruption that typically stops a high proportion of firms interested in change from actually applying and benefiting from change !

Acutus works closely with - financial advisory firms, financial service networks, other consultancy service providers, fund management groups, Authorised Corporate Directory (ACD's) firms, investment service providers, back office solution providers, investment platform providers, business consultants, technology providers, business acquisition firms, research providers and other companies that can provide strategic value to our clients.

Fundamentally we believe in keeping our services simple in the way we communicate and deliver consultancy as well as being able to demonstrate value relative to our costs. This way our clients can see clearly cost versus reward (features & benefits).



Leigh Astin, Principle & MD | Phone: 07748 433 893

Leigh started his financial services career at 21 working for a national insurance company and during his early career developed management/leadership skills having managed and lead a team of 9 financial advisers to success.  From 2006 Leigh had operated through a number of regional and national IFA firms.  In 2017 Opes™ Financial was formed, since then a strong team and support network was developed, leading to a growing financial planning business that has been built with innovative technology driven practices around the pro active advising and supporting of clients.  From this, Acutus™ Financial Solutions was born - to help firms enhance and create a better value added solution for it's clients !

Brainstorming Session
Acutus Technical

Phone: 03458 222 222

With legislation constantly changing we believe it's essential that our firms have access to a wealth of support whether guidance is required around regulatory change, platforms/investments, website, financial promotions, IT security, GDPR, business efficiencies or ways to reduce costs for a firms clients.

We call on our technical team regularly to - support our investment committee/proposition, consider changing industry & market conditions and firms ever changing needs.

Business Team
Acutus Investment Committee

Phone: 03458 222 222

London Abstract
Acutus Research

Phone: 03458 222 222

Access to creating your own Investment Committee functionality.

Our investment committee was established with our research and ACD capabilities to help firms design unique investment and platform propositions for clients, focusing on providing clients with a product and charging structure right for them without a client having to fit around a service that may not be appropriate for them.  Our research team constantly monitor our firms propositions, funds and portfolios as part of our value added service solutions.

We are fortunate to have some well regarded industry professionals that sit on our committee to provide solid strength and governance.

The myriad of business considerations for advisory firms can make it difficult to cohesively bring all business elements together - joined up model. This therefore requires functionality across multiple disciplines and with the combined resource of our investment committee, technical and research teams we are able to join up the advisory business model quickly and efficiently without loosing site of a firms objectives.


It has become common place for firms or adviser's to operate through either a network, a directly authorised firm or services provider that indirectly takes a high proportion of advisers fees due to operational business in efficiencies, whilst offering little value to the end retail client. 

"It is our view and the views of our strategic innovative/technology driven partners that this has been for too many years the old style advice model, which is out of date and is changing as we speak ! 


Why...?  Well with regulatory change, the introduction of AI/robo-advisory based models, pressures on fund management & advisory fees as well as how fees are levied , unless firms and advisers can evolve or demonstrate clear value, then they and their advisers alike could get eaten up by change rather than benefiting from it !"

"Our mission is simple ! To give any financial planning or services company access to professional support and help to achieve short, medium and long term planning goals.  Additionally to add intrinsic service value, growing revenue, whilst saving time and money."

How is this achieved without risk ?  Any initial meeting or discussions (at our expense) are used to assess needs, highlight if and how we can add value at a strategic/monetary and/or time saving level.  From this Acutus™ may be required to carry out more detailed research & analysis.  At this point a firm will either see clearly the value added and if not, is free to cease discussions at no cost to them.  

Our values form the framework all consultants and support staff follow when supporting new and existing client's :-

  • Professionalism & Integrity.

  • Transparency.

  • Independence.

  • Trust.

  • Added value.

  • No product or provider bias – Consultancy driven around needs and objectives not products.

  • Clear communication in a form that works for any client.

  • Fair and respectful treatment of clients.

  • Use of the latest innovative technologies to communicate – face to face, email, phone, video conferencing or similar, SKYPE, Facetime (Apple), Hangouts (Google).

  • Unique value added Investment and Platform Proposition specific to a firms requirements.

  • Long term relationship development.

  • Reputation.


*We reserve the right to only offer remote consultancy where we deem it appropriate.


Call today, email us or complete our enquiry form and take advantage of our no cost, no obligation initial review service !

Beliefs & Vision
Need more information? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

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